MONO JAPAN, Japanese word mono translates into English as object or product. But it really is a much broader concept that describes a relationship one has with things rather than simply owning them.

Sparked as an idea in its creator’s mind, supported by tradition passed through generations mono comes to life at its maker’s fingertips. On its surface each mono carries a story of its creation. When taken home it becomes a container for a new story, one yet to be written – that of its use.

Objects carefully selected for MONO JAPAN are meant to be lived with. Being extraordinary in their design and material quality they defy the gravity of mundane and bring joy to the simplest rituals of every day.

Creating and living with objects is the emphasis of MONO JAPAN 2017. Stories of products grounded in tradition and challenged by contemporary thinking, skills that have been passed through generations the way only Japanese families know how to, and objects that travelled the world to inspire great European makers – these are just a few of the aspects of living with mono we are going to focus on this year. Together with Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy – our partner and host for MONO JAPAN we will be bringing yet another curated selection of makers and their stories to the European audience.

For MONO JAPAN 2017 25 brands will transform the design rooms of Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy into unique exhibition spaces that best suit the stories their products have to tell.

Surrounding the best of ceramic, textile, furniture, teas and sake produce MONO JAPAN will also offer a diverse lecture and workshop programme to facilitate better understanding of Japanese crafts, design and their underlying philosophy. As it is through deepening the knowledge of each other’s cultures that we hope to deepen the relationship one may have with their chosen mono.

Oostelijke Handelskade 34 1019 BN Amsterdam